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03 results found

  • Tramontina expands to serve you

    Behind every product that arrives for Tramontina's consumers, there are various types of technology for innovating manufacturing processes, increasing productivity and growth while still ensuring maximum quality for our customers. Learn more about the new features in our factories in 2020.

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  • Transforming the future begins now

    A beautiful transformation. Working today to transform tomorrow. At Tramontina, transformation happens every day: when raw materials are shaped into our products, waste becomes a resource and energy becomes value. In this process, environmental responsibility is the most important pillar.

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  • Cycling

    Sustainable, economic, healthy, conscientious: the benefits of cycling as a means of transport and leisure activity are many. The trend for choosing this non-pollutant vehicle to travel to work and other places has become increasingly popular in big cities. But both experienced and new cyclists should take care to ensure their safety and comfort while traveling on their bike.

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